Meet the Leavitts
A proud West Virginia family, the Leavitts love sharing their heritage of hard work, freedom, and faith.
​Married to the Mountains
The oldest of seven children, Tristan learned the value of hard work while hanging sheetrock alongside his father in the family business. Because his mother stayed home to raise her children, making ends meet was a matter of sacrifice and careful planning. This practical education gave Tristan a clear understanding of how taxes, regulation, and government action can impact American families and businesses.
Tristan joined his college sweetheart, Brittany Atkinson, in her native city of Charleston after the two were wed during college, and quickly fell in love with the rolling hills of West Virginia. After their first child was born at CAMC Women and Children’s Hospital in 2007, the Leavitt family returned home at every available opportunity during law school and federal jobs.
Now located in Woodbridge, a Charleston neighborhood built by Brittany’s grandpa, the Leavitts have five children ages 5-15 and continue to pursue their family legacy of hard work. Brittany owns and operates the small business Nellie’s Cookie Jar, named for great-grandmother Nellie Miller, and four of the Leavitts’ children attend Kanawha County public schools just like their mom did. Like the generations before them, the Leavitts are committed to helping build a strong foundation of values for their family and their community.

Building Strong Communities
Tristan’s Christian faith deeply informs his political views, such as his belief in the sacred dignity of human life. Tristan and his family attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South Charleston, where they actively volunteer in various positions. Tristan firmly believes West Virginia values are the basis for strong communities.
Just as the first scattered settlers of West Virginia traversed the hills for Sunday services, Tristan also believes strong communities form when we join together in shared devotion or a common cause. For example, when Campbells Creek and other areas flooded last summer, Tristan joined fellow congregants and a variety of religious groups in helping to clean out homes and repair the extensive damage.
Preserving American Liberty
Tristan began his career as a congressional staffer on pro-life and veterans’ support issues. His lifelong belief in the importance of the American Constitution and the freedoms it protects led him to law school. As a lawyer for Republicans in Congress, he helped lead investigations into the Obama Administration’s Operation Fast and Furious and into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Tristan strongly believes the tax dollars taken from hard-working Americans are precious, and that government should function with efficiency and integrity. His work on these issues resulted in him being appointed to lead two different agencies during the Trump Administration. Today he works to help draw attention to ways the federal government is overstepping its bounds and eroding freedom.